Rooted In Christ

“So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in Him, rooted and built up in Him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness” ~ Colossians 2:6,7

Have you ever cleaned out a flowerbed, pulled up some weeds by their roots or possibly tillled up a piece of land preparing it for a spring or fall garden? If so, did you notice that when you began to pull them up, several things occurred in the process?

  • The undesired weeds or grass were only removed by “your efforts”.
  • Upon removal, each of these immediately began to whither and die.
  • Change took place in appearance of the surrounding area at which you were actively working.  (It became more appealing to the eye.)
  • Newly developed area or space allowed “new” plants or fruits to be planted and for a “new” root system to develop.

As believers in Christ, we’ve been called out of this fallen world of darkness into God’s glorious light. I Peter 2:9 reads, “But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.”

369b2c545d44d7c74fd022bb6f875584Where is your life rooted today friend…right now at this very moment? What fruit are you bearing? Is your life similar to these flowerbeds in which some “unwanted weeds” have been allowed to take root over time? When others see your life, what fruit does your life bear? Do others see what Christ has done in your life as a result of you actively yielding your life to Him? Or do they see a life which is producing the rotten, spoiled, “fruit of this world”? If you chose the latter my friend, today you can begin to develop & have what God’s Word refers to as the Fruit of the Spirit in Galatians 5:22-23 actively working and present in your life.But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control..”


Only by actively yielding to the working and voice of the Holy Spirit within and turning away from our selfish desires and flesh can this Fruit of the Spirit take root, develop, grow and be produced in our lives. And just as fruit is not evident to be seen on the vine or tree overnight after planted, be patient as God works in your life on a daily basis and allow Him to bring this fruit into existence. Why not today pull up those old dead “roots of the world” that you’ve been wanting to “weed out” for so long and allow God’s delicious fruit to manifest itself and begin to take root and grow in your life. The choice is up to you my friend.

“Father, thank You for the Fruit of the Spirit that is by faith continuing to develop inside of me and within my life. I also thank You for the power of Your Holy Spirit within me which continues to give me strength, peace and direction in my life each and every day. I choose willfully from this day forth to serve You with my whole heart in all you’re calling me to do to further Your kingdom here on earth. In Jesus’ name, Amen”.

For His Kingdom,


About Bryan Tarjick

Christ Follower, Son, Husband, Father, & Grandfather. Passionate about Faith, Family, Leadership & Living with Purpose.
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7 Responses to Rooted In Christ

  1. Deborah Mottershaw says:

    Thank you so much Bryan for sending these! I appreciate what you are doing!

    Debbie Mottershaw Receptionist – Texas E.C.H.S. 903-935-4109



  2. Yogi Tarjick says:

    Hey Bro. Sure enjoyed yesterday’s Monday Morning Minutes. Hope your have a good day.

    Sent from my iPhone


  3. Joshua says:

    Awesome Mr. Tarjick.


  4. Have you been reading my mail? The last couple of posts I’ve read of yours are right on target with what the Holy Spirit has been dealing with me about. Good word.


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