A Little About Me

I have been joyfully married to my wife Karen for thirty-five years. We are the proud parents of four children.Our oldest daughter Scarlett and her husband Edwin and our son Grant and his wife April. We also have four grandchildren, Knox, Forest, Willow & Ember who have brought so much joy into our lives. God has richly blessed our lives through the years and I truly believe the best is yet to come.

I believe that God has created every human being with destined potential and purpose before we were ever born. It is my earnest prayer and hope that every individual which follows my blog and reads each devotional would hear God’s spirit calling them to become all they were created to be this side of heaven as they yield themselves to Him.

“Now may the Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.” – Number 6:24-26

For His Kingdom,


7 Responses to A Little About Me

  1. Kathy Penner says:

    Thanks for sending this! I have to tell you that I was quite cautious about opening your email…I even asked Julie if she’d seen one like it before and asked if it was legitimate! Merry Christmas to you as well!


  2. Debbie says:

    Thank you so much for these devotions! I appreciate your willingness to share these and give inspiration to those reading them.


  3. billtonnis says:

    Hi Bryan, Thanks for following my blog! Peace and blessings on your blog and all that you do!


  4. Terese says:

    Hello Bryan,
    Thank you for stopping by to read and follow Hope For Today. I look forward to reading your blog as well. Love Numbers 6:24-26, some of my favorite verses! All God’s blessings as you continue to inspire others with the truth of His word.


  5. sarah1 says:

    Hi Bryan, Thank you so much for your work. Your writings really are great and I’m enjoying reading through them! Also, thanks for following my blog! I’m humbled you stopped by to read it, and so pleased you are following. Sorry for the delay in my response, I took a vacation and a few weeks off from the blog as well. Anyway, thanks again!


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