The Ever Narrowing Way


“Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few”. – Mathew 7:13-14

There you are…cruising along with your favorite tunes or radio broadcast in the background as you’re driving along on the busy interstate highway along with the other motorists on your way to your intended destination. Not a care in the world as you reflect on how good your life is and how God has so richly blessed you.

When all of a sudden, you begin to see countless tail lights becoming ever so close and each and every lane comes to an immediate crawl. Up ahead state authorities are motioning motorists to begin entering a single lane of traffic due to the trouble up ahead. What once was an ever widening path for so many has now turned into a single narrow way for which all must pass in order to reach their destination.

There is another narrow path that continues to get more narrow as the days go by. It is narrow path Jesus spoke about in the opening scripture that leads to life. Turn on the television, pick up a newspaper, turn on the radio, pick up a magazine, listen to the word on the street and you will soon hear clues of the ever widening way that leads to destruction. This world in which we live continues to distance itself further and further away from the only way that will lead to eternal life. A personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

Misery loves company so they say and how true it is when unhappy, discontented people wish for others around them to be just as miserable. Yes, we should be the salt and light of this world and take Jesus to this lost and dying world in which we inhabit but we must also be on guard and know that there is a real enemy that seeks to destroy you and I. You must know that he hates God, he hates Jesus, the Holy Spirit and especially you and I. Why? Because we are a constant reminder of his future. His desire is to steal, kill and destroy any and everything that resembles God in our lives and his schemes attempt to terminate us from furthering that revelation to us and those around us each day.

Furthermore, Jesus says that the narrow gate leads to a “hard” road, one that will take us through hardships and difficult decisions. Following Jesus requires crucifying our flesh, living by faith, enduring trials with Christlike patience, and living a lifestyle separate from the world. When faced with the choice between a narrow, bumpy road and a wide, paved highway, most of us choose the easier road. Human nature gravitates toward comfort and pleasure. When faced with the reality of denying themselves to follow Jesus, most people turn away due to them counting the cost. Jesus never sugar-coated the truth, and the truth is that not many people are willing to pay the price to follow Him.

My friends, my hope and prayer for you is that you would stay on the straight and narrow path that leads only to salvation through Jesus for In Him and through Him alone can we enter into His presence now and forevermore.

Remain blessed,


About Bryan Tarjick

Christ Follower, Son, Husband, Father, & Grandfather. Passionate about Faith, Family, Leadership & Living with Purpose.
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3 Responses to The Ever Narrowing Way

  1. Gail Johnson says:

    So true! But I would rather be on the hard road with Him than be on an easy road without Him. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Amen to that Gail. Remain blessed. 🙂


  3. I have a problem with fellow Christians sugar coating the journey with our Lord Jesus. It is NOT the easy path and is certainly NOT the respected path. However, it is the ONLY path to eternal life everlasting joy. Good word.


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